Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Hair Day

Just realized that its SUNDAY & of course I did my hair. SMH. Today's regimen? Hopped in the shower & cowashed Ursula (fro) with a combination of Aussie Moist Conditioner & Suave Professionals Almond & Shea Butter Conditioner. Added more water for "slip" and finger detangled completely. While the conditioner soaked into my drenched strands, I finished showering then finally rinsed with luke warm, then cool water. Afterwards, with hair still dripping wet, I applied Cantu Shea Butter Conditioning Repair Cream (leave in) all over my curls, then followed with oiling hair with jojoba & hemp seed oil. Once hair was completely oiled, I grabbed my old faithful Kinky Curly Curling Custard and applied to hair (still somewhat dripping wet). Then I let air dry like normal. I will be trying to stretch this wash-n-go by donning a twist out/braid out and then eventually my faithful high bun/puff. Weave is coming soon. I find myself spending too much money on hair products so I'm trying to use all of my OLD products up before I buy anything else (._.) --- it's just no longer in the budget to splurge since I have to save for my car & new apartment *sigh*.

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